



SB12-suuvesi on hyvin tutkittu tuote, jonka on todistettu tehokkaasti ja pitkäkestoisesti vaikuttavan pahanhajuiseen hengitykseen. Englanninkielisissä julkaisuissa käytetään SB12:n kansainvälistä brändinimeä CB12.

Seuraavassa on lueteltu kuusi tutkimusta, joiden Read more -linkkejä klikkaamalla pääset pdf-muotoisiin tutkimusjulkaisuihin.

Comparison of different treatment modalities for oral halitosis. Ademovski et al. (2011)

A crossover study where four different treatment combinations were tested: CB12, CB12 and tongue scraping, inactive CB12 (without zinc and chlorhexidine), and inactive CB12 and tongue scraping. Rinsing with CB12 without tongue scraping gave the most reliable reduction in VSCs.

Comparative effects of various commercially available mouthrinse formulations on oral malodour. Greenman et al. (2011)

CB12 was found to reduce VSCs more effectively than Listerine, BreathRX, Smart Mouth, Lacer Fresh, and water in this double-blind study. The effects of the five mouth rinses and water (negative control) were measured after 30, 60, 90 and 180 minutes.

Comparative effects of various commercially available mouth-rinse formulations on halitosis. Thrane et. al (2010)

A double-blind, crossover clinical study found that CB12 was the most effective solution against halitosis when compared with seven other commercial products. Of the eight mouth rinses tested in this study, the authors found that CB12 was “clearly superior to the others at all measuring points.”

Zn and CHX mouthwash effective against VSCs responsible for halitosis for up to 12 hours. Thrane et al. (2009)

CB12 was found to neutralize bad breath for at least 12 hours in this crossover study. After 12 hours, the researchers still saw a “significant reduction in VSCs,” with a mean reduction of over 70 percent. The long-lasting effect is likely due to the synergistic effect of actives (Zn + CHX) and the specific concentration of these ingredients.

A New Mouthrinse Combining Zinc and Chlorhexidine in Low Concentrations Provides Superior Efficacy Against Halitosis Compared to Existing Formulations: A Double-Blind Clinical Study. Thrane et al. (2007)

A double-blind crossover study to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of CB12 found that it was superior to five competing products. The working hypothesis that zinc acetate and chlorhexidine diacetate, the active ingredients in CB12, are the best combination for neutralizing halitosis was “strengthened” by the results from the two best test rinses, according to the authors of the study.

Combined effects of zinc ions and cationic antibacterial agents on intraoral volatile sulphur compounds (VSC). Rölla (2003)

A crossover study tested four different rinsing solutions, and the exhaled air of the test persons was sampled one, two and three hours after rinsing. Zinc and chlorhexidine, the active ingredients in CB12, were found to have a synergistic anti-VSC effectThe anti-VSC effect of this combination was, according to the researchers, “surprisingly marked and long-lasting,” and could still be observed after nine hours.